All links on our webpage that redirect to an outside site are either partners or regulatory agencies. Partners help us give our members additional services and benefits.
The next Annual Membership Meeting is planned for April 2024 at North Park Lounge in Murrysville.
North Park Lounge
111 Blue Spruce Way
Murrysville, PA 15668
If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to Covid-19 your credit union has some options that may help like STEL’s (Short Term Emergency Loans) and Interest Only Payments. Contact the credit union office to explore possibilities.
Your credit union will never contact you via email to request confidential information.
Customer Service Numbers
800-369-4887 or 800-322-8472.
FRSFCU VISA Fraud Reporting
The EZ Card Info Help Desk
The VISA Claim Center
The PIN reset number for VISA cards
CUNA Mutual and TruStage
Applications for FRSFCU VISA cards are now available by selecting the APPS and FORMS link above.
If you are interested in joining our credit union click on the “POLICIES” link and check to be sure that you qualify for membership under our “Field of Membership” guidelines. If you qualify, then click on the “APPS and FORMS” link and print out a membership form. Contact the credit union office if you have any questions.